
Alert View as part of the Incident shows the alert associated with the incident.

  1. Incident Overview: Displays Incident overview

  2. More: By clicking/selecting the 'More' option provided, a pop-up view will provide summarized information like Priority, Source, etc.

  3. Incident Page Menu: In this section, one can save the incident as a favorite by clicking on the page menu. Users can update the incident state, incident, data refresh, and/or archive the incident.

  4. Details: This option shows alert information. The table (Table1) below gives all the columns available for selection while displaying the alert.

  5. Alert Context Menu: By clicking on the context (hamburger) menu, users can clear alert or they can view enriched attributes. Also, users can view the source of the alert.

  6. Alert Export Menu: The context (hamburger) menu at Alert title level allows the user to export the alerts or to select (user selected) columns to display. Here, the user can also choose to maximize and get the alert details in a maximized view.

Column Name


Raised At

Severity Label


Asset Name

Component Name


Customer Label



Alert Category

Alert Type

Component Type

Asset Type

Asset IPAddress

Source Mechanism


Repeat Count

Rule Name

Created By

Updated By

Created At

Updated At




Alert ID

Rule Id

Asset ID

Environment ID

Component ID

Project ID

Customer ID


Last updated