macaw setup

cfxDimensions platform initial configuration setup

cfxDimensions platform configuration setup: (HA / non-HA)

Run the below 'macaw setup' command to create the cfxDimensions platform's deployment configuration. It is a pre-requisite before cfxDimensions infrastructure, platform and application services can be installed.

When cfxDimensions platform is deployed in distributed for scale and HA mode in production environments, below list provides minimum number of server instance requirement which can tolerate one server node failure and to provide continuity of AIOps application's access.

cfxDimensions Service Type

Min. number of instances (VM / Baremetal)

Infrastructure Services (DB/Data)


Platform Services


Application Services


cLambda (Serverless) Services


Run the below 'macaw setup' command to create the cfxDimensions platform's deployment configuration in High Availability mode. It is a pre-requisite before cfxDimensions infrastructure, platform and application services can be installed.

Note: When cfxDimensions platform VMs are configured with 2 NIC interfaces, one is for management and another one is for internal application traffic, during 'macaw setup', please use second NIC's IP while selecting platform, infrastructure, services and clambda VMs.

HAProxy Virtual IP: For UI and external access, use management subnet's IP address and for internal application services traffic, use internal subnet's IP address.

Note: It is recommended to install GlusterFS, Kafka, Zookeeper, MariaDB, Minio, Tomcat & HAProxy services on same set of VMs.

For HAProxy, requires only 2 VM's IP addresses are needed out of selected 3 VMs, but rest of the above infrastructure services need all 3 VM's IP addresses.

It will prompt for all the necessary configuration details.

macaw setup
  1. Enter SSH password of 'macaw' user of all cfxDimensions platform VMs (platform, DB/Data, service & cLambda) (Note: The macaw user's ssh password should be same on all of the VMs)

  2. Enter Platform VM IP Address(es): (Note: In case of HA deployment, minimum of 2 Platform VM IPs need to be provided in a comma separated format. For non-HA deployment, only one platform IP address is required)

  3. Enter Application Service(s) VM IP Address(es): (Note: In case of HA deployment, minimum of 2 Application service VM IPs need to be provided in a comma separated format. For non-HA deployment, only one platform IP address is required)

  4. Enter Gluster server VM IP Address(es): (Note: In case of HA deployment, minimum of 3 Gluster server VM IPs need to be provided in a comma separated format. For non-HA deployment, only one Gluster IP address is required. Please check GlusterFS Operations for more information)

  5. Enter Docker image tag to install Gluster server: macaw-2.2.17

  6. Enter cLambda(s) VM IP Address(es): When more than one cLambda VM is deployed, enter comma separated values.

  7. Enter HAProxy loadbalancer VM IP Address(es): (Note: In case of HA deployment, minimum of 2 HAProxy VM IPs need to be provided in a comma separated format. For non-HA deployment, only one HAProxy VM IP address is required)

  8. Enter advertized external interface name: type eth0

  9. Enter advertized external host (IP Address of eth0): Enter IP Address using which cfxDimensions platform UI is going to be accessed

  10. Enter advertized internal interface name: type eth0 / eth1 (Use eth1 when VMs are configured with dual NICs, one is for management access and another one is for internal application traffic)

  11. Enter advertized internal host (IP Address of eth1): Enter IP Address using which cfxDimensions platform's application services are communicated (traffic between AIOps application services and back-end platform services like Database, Kafka messaging and Minio object storage)

  12. Enter the VM IP Address of Tomcat servers: (Note: In case of HA deployment, minimum of 2 tomcat server VM IPs need to be provided in a comma separated format. For non-HA deployment, only one Tomcat server IP address is required.)

  13. Enter the VM IP Address of Zookeeper host(s): (Note: In case of HA deployment, minimum of 3 Zookeeper VM IPs need to be provided in a comma separated format. For non-HA deployment, only one Zookeeper IP address is required.)

  14. Enter the VM IP Address of Kafka host(s): (Note: In case of HA deployment, minimum of 3 Kafka VM IPs need to be provided in a comma separated format. For non-HA deployment, only one Kafka IP address is required.)

  15. Enter the VM IP Address of Minio host(s): (Note: In case of HA deployment, minimum of 3 Minio VM IPs need to be provided in a comma separated format. For non-HA deployment, only one Minio IP address is required.)

  16. Enter the VM IP Address MariaDB host(s). (Note: In case of HA deployment, minimum of 3 MariaDB VM IPs need to be provided in a comma separated format. For non-HA deployment, only one MariaDB IP address is required.)

  17. Enter the MariaDB user account name. 'macawadmin' is the default username.

  18. Enter the MySQL DB user's password.

'macaw setup' command creates and stores the cfxDimensions platform configuration under /home/macaw/platform.cfg file.

Note: Please do not delete this configuration platform.cfg configuration file, for more information about the configuration parameters within this platform.cfg file, please refer platform.README file under /home/macaw directory.

Once 'macaw setup' is completed, run the below commands in sequence to complete installing cfxDimensions platform's infrastructure and platform services.

macaw infra install --tag <image-tag>
macaw platform dbinit --tag <image-tag>

After executing the above command, it asks the below questions.

Platform User[]: (Enter or press enter to accept default platform admin username)

Platform User Email[]: (Enter email address of platform admin user or press enter to accept default email address)

Platform User Password: (Enter platform admin user's password)

macaw platform install --tag <image-tag>

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