Incidents Overview

Once a user logs into the project, the Incidents page is displayed (as shown in below screen capture).

The above image shows the Incident's main view. The main parts of the page view are as follows (which are captured below using respective numbers from the above screen capture).

  1. Project Bar - Displays Project Name, Project Owner, etc.

  2. Filter by Major Criteria - Filters the results by major criteria like Age, Assigned To, Priority, etc. The multi-level filtering could be applied on results in combination with other filters. This view can be minimized to get more space on the incident's main page.

  3. Filter by search string - Allows filtering by the search string.

  4. Filter by Age - Apply filters by age (by hours, by days, etc). The multi-level filtering could be applied on results in combination with other filters.

  5. Filter by Values - Apply filters by selecting values from the drop-down for Priority, Assigned To, State, Category, Starred. The multi-level filtering could be applied on results in combination with other filters.

  6. Incidents View Menu - This field allows search on incidents, get quick insights, create a new incident or on context menu toggling the view (for example tabular) and also, allows to export or choose the fields that need to be displayed

  7. Incidents - Incidents in normal textual format or tabular format (as shown above)

  8. Incident Context Menu - At each incident, there is a context menu to perform various actions on the selected incident - Update Incident Status, View Incident Details, Update incident, Refresh ingested data, Add to Starred, etc. so that they can be easily viewed from the Starred selection as shown in #5 (Filter by Values) and to archive the incident.

  9. Notification Bar - This section is normally minimized. The notification bar displays project-wide notifications by expanding the notification view to the left (select the notification bar to view system-wide notifications).

Columns On Tabular View:

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