Exporting Data

User can export data in CSV, XLS and PDF formats. The following step by step procedure illustrates on how to export and download data.

How to export data

  1. Click on hamburger (context) menu on Alerts / Incidents View as shown.

  2. A Pop with options displays - Select Export

  3. An export view is displayed with multiple options including to export as CSV, XLS and PDF as dropdown menu. Also the user can chose to export either single page or multiple pages.

When user clicks on Export, depending on the number of rows of data (Size of data), the user is given two options.

If less than 5000 rows then direct desktop download as shown below.

If the data is more than 5000 rows, then you will be informed that the size exceeds for immediate download as shown.

If user received the above message, then a background process runs and places the file in My Downloads section as shown below.

When user clicks on My Downloads, the user is taken to 'My Downloads' view as shown below.

When the user clicks on Download File, then local file download option is displayed and saved as shown.

Some browsers may download the file without a pop-up requesting where to download the file.

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