Getting Started

Logging in

Enter cfxDimensions URL provided by your administrator, enter username and password. Click Login.

Forgotten password

If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it by performing the following steps,

  1. On the log-in page, click the Forgot Password? (Link)

  2. Enter your username


  4. You will receive an email with a link to reset your password. Click the link that you have received on your email and reset your password.

Change Password

After logging into cfxDimensions, click at the top-left hamburger menu (1) as shown above, click on the downward arrow next to user id (2), choose 'User Profile' (3) from displayed pop-up view. Click on Change Password (4) to display the 'Change Password' screen. Enter old and new passwords (5) and click on 'Update' (6). Using the above-explained steps, you can update your password (user password).

Logging out

On the top right corner of every page on the OIA application, you can click on 3 little vertical dots (hamburger menu) and click on the icon to show the menu. Click on Logout.

Change User Profile

To update contact number or to change user first, middle or last name, click on 'Update' as shown below.

From the main left top menu (1), select drop-down on the user (2), select User Profile (3), click on Update (4) and then update the values (5). Click 'Update' (6) to save the values.


CloudFabrix provides major functionality like cfxAIA, cfxOIA, cfxGenie as applications. Once the user logs into the platform, the home page displays 'Featured Applications' and shows the corresponding application(s) relevant to the logged-in user.

The OIA User homepage for cfxOIA application is as shown below:

The following screen capture displays 'Project Admin' Main Page.

Main Menu - From any view of the cfxOIA application, users can navigate to the 'Featured Applications' page by clicking on Main Menu selection (as shown above) and Selecting 'Featured Applications' action button.

Various Menu / Toolbar on a Page

The following image displays various Toolbar / Menus on a project page.


By clicking on the 'Ops intelligence & Analytics (OIA)' application icon (main landing page for a user), the user can navigate to the 'Projects page' (as shown below in Sample Project screen capture).

Project Administrators will be able to configure Projects. For more information on how to configure Project, please click here.

A user can have one or more projects assigned. Click on 'Open' on the selected project to open the project.

Once a 'Project' is selected via the 'Open' button, then the user can navigate to Incidents/Alerts home screen as shown.

Last updated