Create Incident

To manually create a new incident, click on the ‘Add New Incident’ and' Add New Incident' view is as displayed below.

As shown above in the above screen capture,

  1. Select Incident Category from the drop-down - Host Configuration, Host General, Knowledgebase, Network Device or Network Device Upgrade or other relevant categories (as configured)

  2. Enter a summary for the incident - Describes how the summary follows a particular pattern while entering the text. The sample texts are shown below. One needs to get a good understanding of what to enter in the summary.

  3. Chose Incident occurred todate and time.

Click 'Save'.

The following are some of the summary descriptions for users to try to get familiar with how to enter descriptions.

Replace IP Address, Place, Device Model, and Version from the following examples.


tac case# 12345697 tac case# 12345678 may be fn70816 also see Cisco-SA-20150916-CVE-2015-6295

Network Device :

Device has issues during upgrade - may be related to field notice 64180

Device has issues related to bug CSCus36208

Device has OSPF issues during the upgrade, opened tac case# 12345678

Network upgrade:

Upgrade devices in city 'Pleasanton'

Upgrade devices in city 'Greenwood Village'

Upgrade devices with OS Version '7.1(4)N1(1)'

Upgrade devices in city 'Walnut Creek'

Upgrade devices in city 'Pleasanton' and model 'N9K-C93180YC-EX-B' and OS Version '7.0(3)I7(4)'

Upgrade devices impacted by bug 'CSCvo59504' and OS Version '16.6.5'

Upgrade devices impacted by bug CSCvo59504 and model 'WS-C3850-48P-L' and model 'WS-C3850-48T-L'

Upgrade devices in city 'Walnut Creek' and model 'WS-C3850-48P-L' and OS Version '16.6.5'

Last updated