cfxOIA v5.1.5.2
CloudFabrix cfxOIA v5.1.5.2 Release Notes - Sep 13th 2021
New Features
LIcense file upload from UI
Included Alert deduplication as part of Alert noise reduction
Mapping Wizard changes
UI support to add enriched attributes in Correlation Policy and Alert Report
Ability to add enrichment attributes to Alerts report filtering
Alert trail report enhancements
DNS resolution enrichment
Additional Alert clustering prediction metric/score in Alerts table
Enhanced cluster mapping
Added new administration role (MSP Admin)
Precedence changes in correlation and suppression policies
Support for Python virtual-environment for each event-consumer
CFD’S - Resolved
CFXOIA-189: Bulk clear alerts not working properly
CFXOIA-41:Having issues on mapping wizard while doing back and forth operations
CFXOIA-135:Need option to disable the auto-refresh for the tabular report on UI if needed
Last updated