cfxDimensions Backup & Restore

How to backup and restore cfxdimensions platform and application data

cfxDimensions platform holds the configuration and application data within different components of the platform. It is very important to take both configuration and application data on periodic basis to recover the platform should there be a need.

Below are the primary components in which both configuration and application data is stored.

  • Configuration data: Platform setup and configuration data is stored on the OS filesystem and GlusterFS shared filesystem

  • Platform & Application Data: Both platform's and application data stored within MariaDB database and Minio Object storage

CloudFabrix provides macaw CLI option to take platform's configuration and application data on periodic basis.

Though macaw CLI takes backup of platform's configuration and application data, it does not take backup of the OS (RHEL / CentOS) on which the cfxDimensions platform is deployed. It is recommended to use 3rd party tools like veeam, HP dataprotect, cohesity, netbackup etc. to take full VM level backup on periodic basis.

3rd party VM level backup need to be used to recover one of the cfxDimensions platform VMs if OS is unable to boot RHEL / CentOS.

For cfxDimensions platform's configuration and application data backup, it is a pre-requisite to mount an NFS volume on both platform and infrastrucuture / database nodes. It is used to store the backup data and for restore using macaw CLI tool.

Last updated